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1分鐘漫畫式搞懂「二氧化碳浸漬法Carbonic Maceration」

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二氧化碳浸漬法(Carbonic Maceration)是一種釀酒技術,用於產生果味濃郁的紅酒。在這個過程中,整串未碾碎的葡萄被放置在封閉容器中,容器充滿二氧化碳氣體,創造出無氧環境。這種環境下,葡萄內部開始自發酵,而不依賴於果皮的壓碎或酵母的添加。這種方法可以保留葡萄的原始風味,產生較低單寧含量和鮮明果味的葡萄酒。碳酸浸漬法製成的酒通常風格輕盈,帶有鮮明的水果香氣,適合年輕飲用。

Simple Wine Cellar

Xiao Bian: "Today, let's talk about carbonic maceration, a special winemaking technique used to produce red wines rich in fruit flavors."

Peggy: "How does it work?"

Xiao Bian: "In this process, whole, uncrushed grapes are placed in a sealed container filled with carbon dioxide, creating an anaerobic environment. This triggers fermentation within the grapes themselves, without the need for crushing the skins or adding yeast."

Peggy: "What effect does this have on the wine?"

Xiao Bian: "This method preserves the original flavor of the grapes, resulting in wines with lower tannin levels and distinct fruit flavors. Wines made this way are typically light in style, with pronounced fruit aromas, and are best enjoyed young."

Peggy: "Are there specific grape varieties that are well-suited for this method?"

Xiao Bian: "Actually, the Gamay grape variety is particularly well-suited for this winemaking method. Gamay wines made with carbonic maceration often exhibit bright red and black fruit aromas, such as cherries and blackcurrants, while maintaining a light and fresh palate."

Carbonic maceration is a winemaking technique used to produce red wines with rich fruit flavors. In this process, whole, uncrushed grapes are placed in a sealed container filled with carbon dioxide, creating an anaerobic environment. This initiates internal fermentation within the grapes, independent of skin crushing or yeast addition. This method preserves the grape's original flavors, yielding wines with lower tannin content and pronounced fruity notes. Wines produced through carbonic maceration are typically light in style with distinct fruit aromas, suitable for young consumption.


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